Monday, February 08, 2010

STAND AS ONE - Childhood poem

The indiscernible fragrance,
of innumerable flowers,
beset on the bosom
of this Earth of ours;
compels us to take notice
of the fact that despite
each possessing a unique colour
a fragrance exquisite,
Over the thorns of self-centredness have won,
Not as individuals, But as ONE!

After facing the brunt..
of a scorching sun, a windy night,
Craving for a gentle breeze,
and some respite;
Eagerly awaiting the arrival
of the cool and pleasant morn,
When a gentle breeze caresses
the weather-beaten backs
of fields of paddy,
rows of corn;
Gratefully, the crops
make a graceful bow to the sun;
Not in segregated clusters, But as ONE!

Diversified in various ways,
this ancient land of diversity
With varied fashions, varied faiths,
Varied traditions of varied traits;
Yet all varied factors
blend into ONE,
A fine fabric we have woven
with the threads of unity
that we have spun;
Over man and machine,
we have won;
And achieved independence,
Because we stood as ONE!

The presence of Unity in our Diversity
is a well known fact,
By virtue of which
we could rise above the rest;
With our power unrivalled,
our pride intact,
We could excel in the
most complicated acid test;
We could rise to be
a second to NONE,
If only, till eternity,
We would stand AS ONE!!

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