Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Playless - Play

even Your play

is serious play

You let the mind
out of its cage
and let it speak

You let it say
These all-powerful beings..
what if
they’re upto no good..
making you a pawn
in their divine play?

and i speak
not as a representative of You
but as myself

i have a debt
towards these beings
which will not be gone
until i’m a leaf in their wind
the dust on their feet
for which i have
to surrender
to the divine will

what is the debt
that will not go otherwise?
You let the mind ask

i respond
the debt
the seed has to the soil
the child has to the womb
the creation has to the Maker
the debt of Love
that cannot be paid back in words
only in kind
the endless debt
only the Maker
can remove

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