Sunday, January 24, 2010

Limitless - Love

Don’t Ask..
for My Love
without knowing
what you ask for!

Don’t Ask..
for my Love
without knowing
if you can receive it!

Don’t ask
don’t ask…

My Love is like Thunder
IT can be
deafening to the ears

My Love is like Lightning
the flash..
can blind you

My Love is like the Storm
the Force
can blow your soul to me

My Love is like the mightiest Waterfall
IT can melt
age old rocks

My Love
like Fragrance
you can sense IT
you can’t hold IT

My Love
is like
a Tune
a Prayer
you can utter IT
you can’t capture the essence

My Love
is like
a Wish
a Whim
a Fancy
a Feeling
you can experience IT
you can’t make it stay

My Love
is like
you can know IT is vast
you can’t know how much…

What vessel
do you think is enough
to gather..
when you think
you deserve and demand
My Love

Am the Thunder n Lightning
the Storm n Waterfall
the Flower n its Fragrance
the Prayer n the Answer
the Song n its Tune

Am Space
and Everything in IT

When you ask for Love..
you ask for ME
Why do you Ask..
for Love
dear one..
when You can

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