Thursday, January 21, 2010


Achha Amma

How come

You both

are not


Achha Amma..

When one morsel

is taken

in one mouth

how come

you both

seem to relish

the same morsel

smiling at each other

how come..

Achha Amma

as You swallow…

the emptiness in me vanishes…

How come


You become

like Amma..

How come


You become

Like Achha..

How come

Achha Amma

You both

are like two faces

of the same coin?

two sides

of the same face?

How come

Achha Amma

as two halves

You make

One whole?

How come

Achha Amma

i call You that…?

when something tells me

I am the two halves

Of the same You?

How come

Amma Achha

You chose to

suffer the daily rigours

of life on earth

with me and mine

when the beautiful heavens

would have been

the place to be

for the likes of You…

Who is this i

Amma Achha

who looks forward to You..?

who watches the path

for the loving father

never failing to feed the child

that doesn’t know

it is hungry..

who is this i


who has longed for You

lying in the arms

of the one i was born to


i remember Achha

i don’t remember You..but

i understand You


Achha Amma

i know i have

only questions

i don’t know

who says this


to whom..


it is also true..

that these questions

are made of

Eternal Love for You..

the same substance

You are made of

the same substance

You have used

to make me

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