Sunday, January 24, 2010

Painless - Pain

Thank You
O Loving Mother..
for making me
a little green bush…
for letting them
pluck me out
away from my roots
and grind me
between rough stones
so the colour came…
Thank You Mother
for letting them
wear the colour
on their hands
and pray..
for eternal life of their beloved

Thank You
O Dear Mother..
for making me
a lump of mud…
for letting them
take me away
from Your womb
and cleanse me
in scorching fire
so the metal came…
Thank You Mother
for letting them
wear me
around their necks
with prayers
for eternal togetherness of two halves

Thank You
O Mother..
for making me
a piece of rock..
for letting them
break me away
from my foundation
cut and carve me
between sharp knives
so the light came…
Thank You Mother
for letting them
use me
to carve and polish
other stones
to uncover
their precious priceless-ness within

Thank You Mother
for making me
such a loved bit of rock
Your loving heart…
for giving me
The job
that was born
out of pain to the body n mind
…a painless pain..
for letting me die
so I could live
for letting me shine in the night
for letting me shower Your light
like drenching rain..
and share the bliss..
of knowing
of being

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