Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Wow..i jump

onto the bank

gaping in surprise

at a beautiful land


hands point for Her


i turn round n round..

this marvellous beauty

round n round..

till the heavens spin

i turn

to see

Amma’s eyes fixed

on me

is something

bothering You Amma


i gently ask

no child

She bends

to gather


in her arms

come..She says

let’s explore away

in your new playground

n do some harmless

looking around

the wind whistles

a quiet tune

if it weren’t

for the leaves

gliding by the cheeks


mind would surely

lull to sleep

this lush green place

which is this..Mother


i hear me ask

as we go further

these colourful birds

this melting scent

of the earth

which is this…Mother


the words like water

bubble n spill over

Everything Is


in this place

the manushya

the vriksha

every blessed bit..

in this



i agree

mind slowly says

but Amma....

what i meant

is this

particular place..

then without a word

or an answer

Mother places me

down in the place

eye looks around

n sees

something familiar

the mark

of Father

see Amma..

we reached a shiva linga

o Amma..

arms embrace Her

eyes wonder

at the structure

placed on a mound


which could be

this holy ground…


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