dear One..
the wind strains
it’s Mother..
She speaks on
dear One..
you can answer
my question later
for now come..
n let me
tell you
a story
as always
all perked up..
eagerly awaiting
the fairies n kings
we wait
to hear
dear Mother’s tale
in a time
long gone by
lived a simple father
and a mother dear
to him
he swore
never to let
harm befall her
Mother…o Ma!
Were they both
Father n You?
voice utters
it can be subdued
not surprised
by the untimely
Mother replies
And why
do you say so
dear child?
mind pauses
unsure of an answer
but voice carries on..
who else can be
Mother n Father
of any progeny
At this juncture
Mother smiles..
not deviating
from the course..
of course
She continues..
And meanwhile
this mother
in course of time
she would
be blessed
with a child
when she told
him so
surprised she saw..
Father jump for joy
Dear life
he managed
breathless with
happy laughter
like soul
will be
my daughter
then one day
she saw them pass
in groups
they went
saints n men en masse
Where do
Thou all go?
respectfully she asked
To your father’s
they had no way
but to reply
to the question
of that father’s child
she stood before
her soul mate now
he said..dear one
you..his daughter his son
pray tell me
what you wish..
if i can..
it will be done
she bowed
her head
with pain
she said..
thanks but now
i must go alone
if you feel
it is right
i shall set out
he bid her
with a wet heart
dry eyes
then she arrived
at her father’s place
as the chants rose
from their earnest lips
their eyes
looked at her face
none uttered
a word
except the one
to who she was
most dear
the one she had travelled
so far
to be with
her dear dear father
Ashamed am i
she heard him say
to call you family
of your path..your way
none looked up
none stood up
for a lost daughter
bound in word they were
to the king..
her father
she let
the words wash
over her head
so what..
so what..
she told herself..
i have no right
for anger..despair
this is dear father
that is all
i care
she sat
on a seat
but not offered
as prayers commenced
with her mind
she offered
n prayers for all
and for the one
she sorely missed
for her soulmate
her soul
she made a loving wish
and then
the volcano
it spoke
of the dearest
her dearest one
in vain
she stood away
among them but..
an eternity away..
Father ..revenge
i do not swear
you speak
i hear..
is my duty
as your daughter
the august gathering
sat still
towards you father
she said..
i can
bear no ill will
my duty
the laws of man
but you have
o Father
the code divine
and i..
in this crime
all Lords
all Gods
all present here
no prayer
to the Gods
can start
without the Purifier
no ritual
can end
the Destroyer
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