i hear
IT’s voice
loud and clear
the IT
that is me
the THAT
that is me
i hear
IT Speak
IT Says
as you can see
you are on the road
leading to me
From where you stand
there is no turn back
you are all alone here
is there a message
you can leave for a friend
on a stone here..?
i don’t know
if i can
i don’t know
who i am
to leave a message
on a stone
but since You say
i will try
You can hold my hand
and help me write
if i stop
don’t stop with me
carry on
and finish the job
Okay IT Says
come lets start
O Friend of One heart
O Friend of One soul
You are not just a Friend
You are the Whole
Here You would know
You are all alone
Here You would know
there’s no turning back
but don’t stop
Go on..
And finish the job
Here You would see
the unknown sorrow
You carried in human form
shower as rains
from the heavens
When You cry
You would see
the heavens cry with You
and You would know
You are all alone
You are not Your form
the heavens crying as You
is You in another form
what You see inside
is what You see outside
as You walk to the YOU
that has no side
as long as You
have human form
Sorrow will ever remain
Your best friend
never leaving Your side
until it sees You off
to the beginning
which looks like
Your End
Here that End
would remind
You are alone here
You will be asked to leave
a message for a Friend
on a stone here
You would know then..this message
is what YOU wrote
for the One
heading up this road
it is nothing that hasn’t been written before
even i found it here
and am adding no more
From here
dear One
Don’t stop
Remember Your Guru
The excuse who made You the reason
Remember the child You are
that never stops learning
Don’t stop
Go on…
And Start THE JOB